Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area.

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ทวี วาจาสัตย์


The research on Educational Quality Development in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area. The objectives of the research were 1) to study current situation and problems the Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area. 2) To develop the Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area. 3) To evaluate the system of Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area. To complete the research and development process, which is quantitative research and qualitative research. Population: There are 56 small school administrators and 297 small school teachers under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Education. There are three types of data collection tools: structured interviews. Data collection and evaluation form of the success of Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area. The researcher presented the results by descriptive analysis. Statistics used to analyze data using mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}) and standard deviation (S.D.).


The results of the research found that.

  1. Results of current study Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area by synthetic analysis on structured interviews and record data found that, the learning achievement of the students in some small schools w a relatively low level. The development of quality of education is based on the ability, personality, concept and personal aptitude of the school director and teacher.

  2. The results of the system development found that Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area had the following components:

2.1 Input is the educational management resource. Had the following components: 1. School administrators 2. Teachers 3. Student's parent 4. Community organization 5. Local government organization 6. Alumni 7. Monk or religious representative 8. Philosopher 9. Student 10. School committee.

2.2 Educational Quality Development Process in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area SPEAK PLACE Process had the following components: 1. Study of current conditions and problems 2. Planning 3. Educational Administration Development System: 3.1 Academic 3.2 Budgeting 3.3 Personnel management 3.4 General administration, 4. Action learning Process: 4.1 Curriculum 4.2 Thought process and management 4.3 Learning activities 4.4 Environment 4.5 Organizing learning media 4.6 Learning Directing 4.7 Participatory learning, 5. Knowledge Management: 5.1 Myself 5.2 Science and Technology 5.3 Morals and ethics 5.4 mathematics skills 5.5 Language skills, 6. Process learning Improvement 7. Learning place Resources 8. Advocating participation 9. Continuing Education Service 10. Evaluation

2.3 The results include: 1) the achievement of educational administration in small schools was higher according the standard of basic education. 2) The achievement of students in small schools was higher according the educational objectives. As a result, students had Curriculum Knowledge, morals and ethics and Live in society happily.

2.4. The feedback data is the reflection of the development of each component of the fault system, which is analyzed and Revise to be used in the next cycle.

  1. The results of the evaluation Educational Quality Development Process in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area on the experts, the overall level of opinion on the success and integrity of the system was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.65).

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How to Cite
วาจาสัตย์ ท. (2018). Educational Quality Development System in Small Schools under the office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 394–410. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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