An Analysis of the Buddhist Monks’ Leadership Characters in Buddhist Propagation

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พระครูสังฆรักษ์จักรกฤษณ์ ภูริปญฺโญ


This research had the objectives that were 1) to study the process to promote and make the youth in the good citizenship by the Buddhist monks who taught some Buddhist principles in Thai society, 2) to develop it and 3) to present its models. This was the mixed method research by using the quantitative research with collecting the data and by using the questionnaires. This was the qualitative research with collecting the data by using the deep interview. Its tools consisted of the 175 pieces of questionnaires from the Buddhist monks and the key persons had the 26 persons by the specific selection. The used statistics in this research was the percentage, means and standard deviation.


          The finding were as follows:

          The process to promote and make the youth in the good citizenship by the Buddhist monks who taught some Buddhist principles in Thai society was in overview found that their opinions were at the high level order by order from the highest too low. The process of cultivating the common sense in the good citizenship and the good qualification of citizenship according to the opinion of Buddhist monks who taught the principles of Buddhism. In the overview and the depth interview, the promoting and cultivating process was managed by using the Trisikkha consisting of Sila, Samadhi and Panna to drive it. 1) Promoting and cultivating the strong mind, 2) cultivating the morality, 3) cultivating the youth to learn the principles of Buddhism, 4) developing the consciousness to develop oneself and society.

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How to Cite
ภูริปญฺโญ พ. (2018). An Analysis of the Buddhist Monks’ Leadership Characters in Buddhist Propagation. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 250–266. retrieved from
Research Articles


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