Participate in Business Model Development of Native Chicken Farmers Group at Chiang Klang, Chiang Klang District, Nan Province
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The purpose of this study was to develop the business model of native chicken farmers group in Chiang Klang, Chiang Klang District, Nan Province. Methodology was the qualitative research that collected data using purposive sampling 14 samples as using the interviews and focus group discussions included in 3 steps: 1) evaluation of their business, 2) doing the business model, 3) doing the action plan, measurement and review their business model. The result showed the medium potential of farmers group which chickens for fattening about 1,000 -1,200 chick/farm as developing to be Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standard. SWOT analysis of this group as strength was system approach to management. Weaknesses was a lack of standard of the slaughterhouse. Opportunity was farmers’ network in northern part. Threats were a high livestock feed cost and livestock law. Business model canvas (BMC) consisted of 9 parts that customer segments (1) were a wholesale traders and local markets. Value propositions (2) were a free-range chicken, a variety of sizes’ chicken meat, an on-time delivery and an improve their quality of life. Channels (3) was a shop of the farmer groups. Customer relationship (4) was an activity to promote native chicken. Revenue streams (5) was the most income from whole meat chicken 80%. Key resources (6) were farmers, money, raw materials and management. Key activities (7) were free-range chicken farming and a whole meat chicken. Key partnerships (8) were a government sector and a farmers’ network. Cost structure (9) were a fixed costs and variable costs. The business model evaluation was that the target group wanted a whole meat chicken in high season between October to January. The retail sales’ community was higher profit 20% than wholesale. Therefore, it will be focused in retail sales and awareness in the community.
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