The Development of Sports Tourism and Tourism Models Integrate with Participation and Application of Digital Technology to Create Creative economy Values
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The objectives of this research are: 1) to develop an integrated health and sports tourism model for four sub-districts (Khamin, Na Hua Bo, Rai, and Wang Yang) in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province, using participatory processes and the application of digital technology; and 2) to create creative economic value based on cultural resource capital in the area. The research follows five stages as per the ADDIE Model. Total sample size of 114 people, including 1) 64 village heads, 2) 20 qualified experts, 3) 10 specialists, and 4) 20 tourists, selected using purposive sampling. The research tools include: 1) a community context survey for the four sub-districts, 2) an evaluation form for the suitability of the health and sports tourism model guide, 3) an activity satisfaction evaluation form, and 4) a suitability assessment form for the tourism model. Statistical tools used are mean and standard deviation.
The results revealed that the integrated health and sports tourism model for the four sub-districts in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province, developed through participatory processes and the application of digital technology, includes the following stages. Stage 1, community context study: natural resources identified include the Phu Phan mountain range, tourist attractions like Huai Sai-Khamin Reservoir, Phra That Phu Pek, Wat Tham Kham Temple, signature products such as indigo-dyed fabrics, the “Hit Sip Song Khong Sip Si” cultural traditions, local ethnic groups (Phu Tai, Lao), homestay accommodations, and seasonal local foods with unique identities such as the Phu Tai language and traditional clothing. Stage 2, the component Analysis of the integrated health and sports tourism model: the model comprises six components: 1) Infrastructure 2) Souvenir and gift products 3) Good hosts and local food 4) Tourism routes across four sub-districts 5) Tourism activities and 6) Media and storytelling. This model is collectively referred to as the IP2TS Model. Stage 3, the development of the tourism model guide: experts rated the suitability of the guide for the integrated health and sports tourism model developed through participatory processes and digital technology application at a high level ( = 4.15, S.D. = 0.67). Stage 4, trial implementation of the tourism model: tourists expressed high satisfaction with activities based on the integrated health and sports tourism model ( = 4.60, S.D. = 0.48). Stage 5, the evaluation of the tourism model: the overall suitability of the model was rated at a high level ( = 4.76, S.D. = 0.44).
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