Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Domestic Tourism Desire: A Study of Tourists in Bangkok

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Surakiat Tadawattanawit


            This study is based on survey research that aimed to investigate the general impact of the COVID-19 outbreak after its outbreak on hygiene and safety, attitudes, and preferences, perceived behavioral control, and desire to domestic travel of tourists in Bangkok followed by the study on factors influencing desire to domestic travel of tourists in Bangkok. The study sample consisted of 400 tourists in Bangkok, who were drawn by random cluster sampling based on their area of residence in Bangkok. hen a simple random sampling technique was used to obtain the required number of samples. The research tool was a questionnaire to analyze the data using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.

            The results showed that tourists in Bangkok were generally affected by the novel coronavirus infection outbreak in 2019. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, tourist attitudes and preferences toward travel center on hygiene and safety. The perceived behavioral control and desire to domestic travel were rated at a high level. Hygiene factors influenced desire to domestic travel among Bangkok tourists and safety (β3 = 0.631, t = 10.311, p<.01) and the perceived behavioral control factor (β4 = 0.229, t = 4.456, p<.01), while the general impact factor and attitudes and preferences had no influence on desire to domestic travel among tourists in Bangkok (β1 = -0.032, t = -0.894, p>.05) (β2 = 0.068, t = 1.029, p>.05), respectively.

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