Factors Affecting to Goods Purchasing Decision Via Facebook Live of People in Chiang Mai
Main Article Content
The objectives of this research are: 1) to investigate the attitudes towards online marketing and the quality of information systems among online consumers in Chiang Mai province, 2) to evaluate the purchasing decisions of online consumers in Chiang Mai province through Facebook Live, and 3) to study the factors that influence the purchasing decisions of online consumers in Chiang Mai province through Facebook Live. The researcher collected data from 400 consumers who had purchased products via Facebook Live and lived in Chiang Mai. Descriptive statistics were used to present percentages and means. In addition, inferential statistics were employed to draw factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The study found that the level of opinion towards marketing through social media and the quality of information systems of online consumers in Chiang Mai province is high. ( 3.53, S.D. = 0.98). Secondly, the level of purchasing decision-making through Facebook Live streaming has a high level of opinion. ( 3.66, S.D. = 0.75). Finally, factors affecting online consumers' purchasing decisions via the Facebook Live broadcasting channel were statistically significant at a .05 level, including service quality, popularity, word of mouth, and data quality, which can be predicted at 68.90%. This research has helped to enhance the understanding of the factors affecting purchasing decisions through Facebook Live streaming among online consumers. These findings can also be used as guidelines for developing communication strategies using Facebook Live streaming for businesses that better meet the needs of consumers and align with their preferences.
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