Causal Relationship Among Professional Interpersonal Relationship Skills, Technological Adaption Competency, and Goal Achievement Efficiency of Chief Financial Officers of Companies Listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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The objective of this research is to investigate the causal relationship among professional interpersonal relationship skills, technological adaptation competency, and goal achievement efficiency of chief financial officers of companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The data were collected by questionnaires sent via postal mail from 117 chief financial officers of companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. They were then analyzed by descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The research results reveal that professional interpersonal relationship skill has a significant positive influence on technological adaptation competency and goal achievement efficiency. In addition, technological adaptation competency has a significant positive influence on goal achievement efficiency. These research results help enable a better understanding of the causal relationship among professional interpersonal relationship skills, technological adaptation competency, and goal achievement efficiency of chief financial officers of companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Moreover, these results confirm the empirical consensus between academic research and professional standards of the Thai Federation of Accounting Profession. They may also provide guidelines for the development of an accounting study program that promotes proper education and professional skills for professional accountants in the future.
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