Modern Management Strategies on Operational Success of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Central Northeastern Region
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This research aims to test the impact, modern management strategy and operational success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the central northeast by collecting data from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the central northeast. There were 375 information in this study. The research instrument was questionnaire. The statistics used for analyzing data were: multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The research results demonstrate that modern management strategies on the aspects of learning and developing, human resources management, business network, overall quality management, and contingency management have positive relationships and impact on operation success. The research suggests that small and medium enterprises (SMES) in the central northeastern region It should be focused on modern management strategies to guide the plan. In-house management system The way The business operates is a tool for developing and solving problems. Promoting business to have competitive, modern potential This results in the successful completion of the goals achieved effectively.
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JMMS is the Faculty of Management Science journal, Lampang Rajabhat University. Jmms published both print and online editions. We allow the use of articles for academic use under the scope of copyright law.
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