Facilitative Leadership and Employee Effectiveness: A case Study of a Leasing Company in Thailand

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Kanyapat Srisupinanon
Sookyuen Tepthong


The objective of this study was to examine the effect of facilitative leadership on employee effectiveness. Without sampling, data was collected from a population of 225 staffs of a Leasing Company in Thailand which have a headquarter in Bangkok and four branches in regions. Based on the quantitative approach, the conceptual framework was developed from facilitative leader roles and employee effectiveness concepts. Data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by using multiple regression statistics. The results showed that three roles of facilitative leadership; vision-driven, cooperation, and climate creation factors were a positive effect to employee effectiveness significantly while opinion and learning stimulation factors were no positive effect to employee effectiveness significantly. To promote employee effectiveness, the finding suggests that all levels of leaders should concentrate on vision communication, coordination, and climate creation characters. The discussion revealed the possible reasons for the hypothesis testing results. The main advantage of facilitative leadership was supportive roles for employee performance while lack of leadership competencies would be assumed by employees. Besides, the paper provides theoretical and management recommendations as well as further research issues.

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ขวัญกมล สายเส็น. 2561. ผู้นำสายพันธ์ใหม่ในยุค 4.0. การประชุมงานวิชาการเสนอผลงานระดับชาติครั้งที่ 2, 2(1), 120 -128. สืบค้นเมื่อ 20 กันยายน 2564 เข้าถึงจาก


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