Perceived Value, Service Quality and Diversity of Tourism Activities toward Decision Making at the Ice and Snow Festival of Chinese Tourists in Changchun City, Jilin Province, People's Republic of China

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Siyao Qi
Nuthanan Thitiyapramote


The purpose of this study were to study opinion level of perceived value, service quality, diversity of tourism activities and decision making of Chinese tourists. To study effect of perceived value, service quality and diversity of tourism activities toward decision making at the Ice and Snow Festival of Chinese tourists in Changchun City, Jilin Province, People's Republic of China. It is a quantitative research for the sampling group of Chinese tourists, consisting of 384 people. The tool was questionnaire with descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics by multiple regression analyzed, Enter technique. The outcomes of this study revealed that the opinions level of service quality (mean=3.75), the diversity of tourism activities (mean=3.73), perceived value (mean=3.58) and the last tourism decision making (mean=3.68) by all factors were valued as most level. The outcomes of multiple regression analysis that the diversity of tourism activities had direct effect toward decision making, coefficient equal to 0.321, and followed by perceived value had direct effect toward decision making of Chinese tourists, coefficient equal to 0.298, service quality had direct effect toward decision making of Chinese tourists, coefficient equal to 0.226 by all factors were significant at 0.01.

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