Decision Making on Purchasing Used Cars by Members of Facebook Group of Selling Used Cars in Lampang Province

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Thanakit Kamrach
Napawan Netpradit


The objectives of this research are to study the importance level of marketing mix; motivation, trust and decision making on purchasing used cars by members of Facebook group of “selling used cars in Lampang province”, and to study the factors of marketing mix; motivation and trust that influence the decision making to purchase used cars by Facebook group members of “selling used cars in Lampang”. The samples were 382 members of “selling used cars in Lampang” Facebook group, through online questionnaires. The statistics used in this research consisted of descriptive statistics which were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics which were multiple regression. The results found that marketing mix and trust is at the highest level of importance, motivation and decision making are at high level of importance. The results of the multiple regression test on the marketing mix found that motivation and trust factors that influenced the decision to purchase used cars by members of Facebook group of “selling used cars in Lampang” were statistically significant at a level of 0.01

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