The Efficiency of Logistics Management for Tourist Attraction in Kamphaeng Phet Province
Main Article Content
This research is a mixed methodology of tourism context in Kamphaeng Phet province, which aims 1) to study the context and logistics management system of tourist resources, 2) to explore the components of logistics management factors of tourist resources, and 3) to consider the development of logistic management efficiency of tourist resources. The samples employed 400 Thai tourists of questionnaires, the in-depth interviews of 103 stakeholders and focused group with 130 participants by purposive sampling respectively. Then, the content analysis from both of the in-depth interviews and focused group are shown the results as follow:
Kamphaeng Phet province has five popular tourist resources as: 1) Hot Spring Phra Ruang, 2) Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park, 3) KhlongLan National Park, 4) Mae Wong National Park, and 5) Kamphaeng Phet National Museum, respectively. The comprehensive opinion degrees of tourists to the tourism logistics components are at high level. Meanwhile, the participant opinions of community found that the preparation of tourism logistics in the community is quite good. The community requires for improvement and more channels of transportation which is prompt including, convenience, swiftness, and safety by the government supports involves infrastructure, budgets, and the development participation of community. The opinion of the entrepreneur was found that the tourism logistics to tourist resources in Kampheang Phet areas are lack of the resource readiness such as a few of the public transport, especially in a period of low-season which has effect on fewer tourists. So, the recommendations should provide more activities, continually encouragement to public relation and share the knowledge relate to the product distribution zoning which is approached to tourists. The opinion of the community leaders found that the tourism logistics has readiness resources for the tourists and requires government organization to provide more channels and the convenience of transportations. The opinion of the government officers found that the readiness of the tourism logistics in transport physical is convenience, service mind of officers, but lack of public transportation system for supporting tourism at the bus stations. Hence, the government organizations should provide budgets to support and construct infrastructure for solving this problem.
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JMMS is the Faculty of Management Science journal, Lampang Rajabhat University. Jmms published both print and online editions. We allow the use of articles for academic use under the scope of copyright law.
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