The Model of Competitive Advantage of Small Hotel in Thailand

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Voradit Thanapatra


The objectives of this study were to develop model of competitive advantage of small hotel in Thailand. Research methodology includes with population sample size and sampling determination which are small hotel 9,489, a sample size was subject 400. This research study used purposive sampling for collecting data from March to May 2019. The response rate was 100% of 400 online questionnaires. For the data analysis, it appeared that the study used structural equation modeling in with the analysis. Findings from the research showed that model of competitive advantage of small hotel in Thailand or CASH model simulations are consistent with empirical data based on a harmonized index of 6 indexes of accepted criteria. The index is: /df =1.429, CFI= 1.00, GFI=0.98, AGFI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.033 and SRMR=0.014.

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Author Biography

Voradit Thanapatra, Sripatum University

Doctoral Student, Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University


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