Factors Associated with Reduced Premature Sign Offs of Audit step Behaviors of Assistant Auditors in Audit Firms Providing Services for Non-Listed Companies

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อาภรณ์ จารุอัคระ
อรรถพงศ์ พีระเชื้อ


This research aims to investigate the factors which affect the Premature Sign Offs of audit step behaviors of assistant auditors in audit firms providing services for non-listed companies of Thailand. The study is based on questionnaire survey of 115 assistant auditors conducted in 2018.  Data analysis includes multiple regression using processing software packages. The research found that “unrealization in obligation” and “difficulty to understand and apply in professional standards” have significantly positive effect on premature sign offs of audit step behaviors. Furthermore, time pressure, gender, and experience have no effect on premature sign offs of audit step behaviors. Therefore, to reduce premature sign offs of audit quality, audit-firms providing services for non-listed companies of Thailand are encouraged to implement measures for assistant auditors to strengthen their pride and awareness in the role and duties, and support them in developing continuous professional standards knowledge.

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