Accounting Information System Control Effectiveness and Accounting Information Advantage: An Empirical Research of Thai-Listed Companies

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Uthen Laonamtha
Titikarn Suriyasarn


The objective of this study is to verify the relationship between accounting information system control effectiveness and accounting information advantage: an empirical research of Thai-listed Companies. The samples are 138 firms using a mail questionnaire as an instrument. Statistics for data analysis is descriptive statistics. Hypothesis testing is multiple regression analysis. 

The results showed that 1) between accounting information system control effectiveness had a positive effect on financial report quality, 2) financial report quality had a positive effect on accounting information advantage, 3) management support had a positive effect on accounting information system control effectiveness, 4) best accounting system had a positive on accounting information system control effectiveness, and 5) the results entail that technology readiness had a positive effect on accounting information system control effectiveness. Executive should concern these results would lead to improved accounting information system control effectiveness contributes to better financial report quality and accounting information advantage.

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Author Biographies

Uthen Laonamtha, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University

Assistant Professor at Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University

Titikarn Suriyasarn, Faculty of Management Science, Lampang Rajabhat University

Assistant Professor at Faculty of Management Science, Lampang Rajabhat University


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