The Causal Relationship of Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management Effect on Performance of Industrial Business in Kamphaeng Phet Province.

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ปาณิสรา จรัสวิญญู


This research aims to study the causal relationship of organizational culture and knowledge management that affect the performance of industrial business in Kamphaeng Phet Province. The samples are 374 factories in Kamphaeng Phet Provice which were collected data by using a questionnaire. In the process of data analysis, Partial Least Square (PLS) technique was used to investigate the structural equation model. The results reveal that the organizational culture has direct and indirect effect on the performance of industrial enterprises by passing through the knowledge management. The organizational culture also has a direct effect on knowledge management and then the knowledge management has a direct effect on the performance of industrial enterprises. The analysis of structural equation model show that the organizational culture has the greatest effect on knowledge management (0.77) while has a high effect on the performance (0.63). Finally, the knowledge management has little effect on the performance (0.44), at the 0.01 level of significance

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