Deconstruction and reconstruction of female narrative images in Rock & Roast from the perspective of gaze theory: A case study of Yang Li’s performances
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This paper employs gaze theory as a framework to conduct an in-depth study of female narrative themes and representations in Rock & Roast (脱口秀大会), with a particular focus on Yang Li’s performances. The analysis centers on how Yang Li deconstructs and reconstructs gender stereotypes through her performance. By interpreting the textual content and context of her performances, this study explores how Yang uses humor and satire to challenge traditional gender norms and reflect on societal expectations of women. The findings reveal that the female narrative in Rock & Roast primarily revolves around gender relations, presenting female images such as mother, wife, daughter, lover, professional woman, and single woman. Furthermore, female comedians deconstruct traditional gender stereotypes through reverse gaze and self-deprecating humor, thereby empowering women with agency and voice, and fostering the awakening and expression of female self-awareness.
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