Exploring Thai University Students’ Perceptions and Preferences on Culture Integration in EFL Classrooms
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This study investigates the integration of cultural content into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms and its effects on students’ perceptions and preferences. By using a Likert scale questionnaire, the research assesses students' views on the advantages of incorporating cultural elements and explores how factors such as faculty affiliation, gender, and age affect these perceptions and preferences. The findings indicate a general appreciation for cultural integration, especially for its role in enhancing cultural sensitivity, broadening perspectives, and improving various language skills. However, the impact on critical thinking and language acquisition was less pronounced. Faculty affiliation notably influences students' perceptions, with those majoring in languages, business, and information technology (IT) showing the highest agreement on the benefits of cultural content integration. Gender did not significantly impact preferences for culture-related activities, suggesting a consistent appreciation across genders. Age was positively associated with perceptions of improved communication skills. The study highlights the need for tailored approaches to integrating cultural content in EFL curricula and recommends further research on the effects of culture-related activities on critical thinking and language acquisition.
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