Impact of Use of LINE Application on Employees’ Satisfaction and Work Life Balance in Broadcasting Organization Employees in Thailand
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This research aimed to explore how employees’ satisfaction levels are affected by their use of the LINE application in terms of efficiency and work-life balance. It also sought to compare satisfaction with LINE- efficiency, and satisfaction with Work-Life Balance among respondents who have different ages, gender, marital status, and organizational type. This study utilized a quantitative cross-sectional research approach and gathered data from 309 randomly selected employees at the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT) and ONE31 Company Limited. Data collection involved using a structured survey questionnaire as the main research instrument. The statistical analysis methods included mean, standard deviation (S.D.), t-tests, One-way ANOVA tests, and Multiple Linear Regression analyses. The results revealed that activities related to knowledge sharing and social interactions were the main factors influencing employee satisfaction with the efficiency of LINE application. In addition, marital status emerged as the key factor affecting satisfaction with work-life balance among employees. The results also point out that demographic factors were not affecting satisfaction with LINE efficiency.
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