Adverbial particle 도 (to) and its conjoining patterns with case particles in Korean

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Taeho Jang
Kim Hae-Kyung


The present paper discusses the adverbial particle 도 (to) ‘also’ in Korean and its cooccurring patterns with diverse case particles. The point of view of this study is overall descriptive. When 도 (to) is connected to the subject or object nominal, its grammatical case particle falls, and 도 (to) takes place in its position. However, 도 (to) can conjoin with dative and all types of semantic case particles without any constraint. The question of this limited conjoining pattern of 도 (to) is studied from syntactic and discourse perspectives. From the syntactic viewpoint, 도 (to) cannot be considered to be a grammatical case particle because the subject or object cannot determine it. From the discourse perspective, the function of 도 (to) is additive. Speakers can use 도 (to) only when a relevant context is stated or implied beforehand, and their motivation for using 도 (to) is to make the present information with 도 (to) dependent on the context. By contextual dependency, the information with the nominal keeping 도 (to) is added to that of the context, and the constituent marked by 도 (to) is dependent, regarding grammatical function, on the corresponding constituent in the preceding context.

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How to Cite
Jang, T., & Hae-Kyung, K. (2024). Adverbial particle 도 (to) and its conjoining patterns with case particles in Korean. Journal of Language and Culture, 43(2), 134–159. retrieved from
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