Our Neighbor's Health Security Affects Our Own: A Case Study of Humanitarian Assistance Provided by Thailand to Myanmar
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This study examines healthcare dynamics in the twin border towns of Mae Sot and Myawaddy, along with Umphang Hospital on the Thai-Myanmar border, focusing on the impact of Myanmar’s struggling healthcare system on Thailand. Myanmar’s healthcare system, which falls below WHO standards, is hindered by ethnic disparities and worsened by the 2021 military junta, leading healthcare personnel to either align with the junta or join civil disobedience. Conflict in Kayin State has intensified migration into Thailand, prompting Thailand to extend humanitarian aid and strengthen healthcare resources, particularly in border towns. Thailand’s response has included grassroots healthcare initiatives, volunteer training, and infrastructure upgrades, which proved crucial during COVID-19. However, ASEAN lacks tailored healthcare policies for border towns, leaving Thailand to manage the significant costs associated with migrant healthcare. A dedicated ASEAN fund for border-town healthcare could address this gap. Thailand's experience underscores the substantial impact of neighboring countries’ healthcare systems on safety. It is imperative for ASEAN members to prioritize the enhancement of healthcare standards for future epidemics, disasters, and conflicts, establishing sustainable health security measures under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. ASEAN members should consider prioritizing healthcare enhancement within the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community framework.
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