From "Look East Policy" to "Act East Policy" and Northeast of India: Gateway to ASEAN

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Sophana Srichampa


The objectives of this paper are: 1) to study India’s change of policy from a “Look East Policy” to an “Act East Policy”; 2) to review the “Look East Policy” and in particular, determine its impact on Northeast India; and 3) to study how the government of India implements this policy in the development of the northeastern region including assess development and connectivity between Northeast India and ASEAN. This study is based on the Look East to Act East policies framework. The result of the study found that “The Look East Policy” was implemented by the government of India in 1991 to enhance economic, security and political relations with Southeast Asia. Moreover, in 1997, development policy for Northeast India was combined within the “Look East Policy” to serve as a gateway to the east and ASEAN. The policy has had both positive and negative impacts on Northeast India. The government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi changed its “Look East Policy” to “Act East Policy” to provide a stimulus for proactive implementation of policies supporting its development ambitions throughout the country, most notably, completion of the Trilateral highway linking India-Myanmar-Thailand, and the Kaladan Project which will see major road and water links between Northeast India and Rakhine state in Myanmar.

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Srichampa, S. (2016). From "Look East Policy" to "Act East Policy" and Northeast of India: Gateway to ASEAN. Journal of Language and Culture, 35(2), 117–140. retrieved from
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