The culture of learning culture in Tai Song Dam pupils

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jitjayang Yamabhai


This critical ethnographic research aims to describe the culture of learning about culture among “Tai Song Dam” pupils in Nakhon Pathom and Phetchaburi provinces, Thailand. The focus of inquiry is Power and Control in pedagogical practice in formal and informal education. In this article, I argue that Thai Song Dam pupils construct meaning of experiences about their own ethnicity via interactive learning though daily-life cultural practices. While schools play an important role in transmitting national culture to pupils as Thai citizens, they also play a role in teaching local culture. The schools recontextualize local knowledge into official knowledge and make it more legitimate in the sphere of education. At the same time this process of legitimizing local knowledge also serves to legitimatize formal education.

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How to Cite
Yamabhai, jitjayang. (2016). The culture of learning culture in Tai Song Dam pupils. Journal of Language and Culture, 35(1), 29–46. retrieved from
Research Articles


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