Reawakening paper: New media and power

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Phoranee Kaewbovorn


This article is from the attempt to channel the particular academic work to the public. Most of the article, research, or any literary productions typically are written in formal styles with particular theory, jargon language, and generally published by printing such as academic journals including books. Under such conditions, these turn to be two barriers for non-academic people who want to access to such valuable works. The first is the academic ways of writing which is hard to interpret for some academic outsiders. At the same time, they, secondly, could not easily reach to the work as most of the scholastical paper is not offered for sell in all over the place.

From the above mentioned, it shows that right and power of any knowledge consumers to freely approach to such work are being diminished. In this article, the writer will explore the hypotheses of media dimension in empirical detail as follows. Firstly, in order to make more clearly understanding, written language has been turned simply to spoken language by encodingdecoding theory under thought’s Hall and the theory of Uses and Gratification. Significantly, printing media has transformed through radio media to the public. More particularly, second, under the concept of the cultural flow on technoscapes and mediascapes of Arjun Appadurai which are in the mainstream in our modern world, this article additionally explains about each intellectual paper can be taken to listen through internet as frequently as needed. Therefore, the consequence is all research outcome can successfully be utilized everywhere.

In conclusion, however, this article would be emphasized the existence that general people are able to philosophically and concretely approach to what they want. In the similar way, it can be asserted that some difficult researches in printing media with specific writing patterns can be perceived uncomplicatedly and appeared freely to public in order possibly for some further developments in our society, if we use media wisely.

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How to Cite
Kaewbovorn, P. (2016). Reawakening paper: New media and power. Journal of Language and Culture, 35(special), 185–202. retrieved from
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