Language and ideologies: Breastfeeding discourse in social online

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Phennapha Klaisingto


The study explores critical discourse analysis (Fairclogh,1995 and Van Dijk, 1995) to Social Network Sites by examining how motherhood ideology in Thai society are constructed on Facebook, a newly emerged online social networking site which has become most popular. It focuses on public page “Sutheera Uerpairojkit” on Facebook. The objectives are 1) how linguistic strategies are presented in breastfeeding discourse on Facebook page, and 2) how the linguistic strategies reproduce motherhood ideology in Thai society. The data are collected from August to December 2014. It found that the linguistic strategies are divided in to 2 types: 1) semantic strategies such as the use of comparative words, the use of negate words, and 2) pragmatic strategies such as speech act, presupposition. It represents that breastfeeding is the best for their child. As the result, it enacts and reproduces motherhood ideologies, mother roles in modern society which struggles in old values

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How to Cite
Klaisingto, P. (2016). Language and ideologies: Breastfeeding discourse in social online. Journal of Language and Culture, 35(special), 167–183. retrieved from
Research Articles


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