The Bible and the third world: Cultural weapon

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Yosakrai S.tansakul


This article attempts to examine the history of Bible and the third world in the first century to the age of colonial. Especially, this study will examine Bible was the cultural weapon for the evangelism to native in the third world by apostle and disciple of Christ. At first, The Bible was written by Latin, so it was limitation for evangelism, and the another version cannot still translate to the other language by word to word, because the locals people cannot understand the contents in the Bible. So they need to alter its content in accordance with the Bible, and the origin religion in the another countries. However, these was successful and the power of culture language in Bible, because they can take the faith, religion and the supreme power which one above all the command and strength in present day. Therefore, the Bible is the prototype of tool for dissemination of cultural studies.

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How to Cite
S.tansakul, Y. (2016). The Bible and the third world: Cultural weapon. Journal of Language and Culture, 35(special), 63–79. retrieved from
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