Determinants Affecting Air Cargo Operational Performance in Thailand: A Strategic and Mixed-Methods Approach




Air cargo operations, Operational performance, Technological advancements, Cargo handling efficiency, Human factors, Environmental factor, Mixed methods research


Background and Aims: The operational effectiveness of air cargo is a critical factor in global supply chains, as it impacts both economic growth and commerce efficiency. This study aims 1. To evaluate the impact of human, technological, cargo handling, and environmental factors on the operational efficiency of air cargo in Thailand, 2. To explore the practical insights associated with air cargo performance efficiency, and 3. To propose strategies for enhancing air cargo operational performance.

Methodology: The authors employed a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to investigate the determinants affecting air cargo operational performance. We investigated the impact of human, technological, cargo handling, and environmental factors on the operational performance of air cargo. Quantitative data were initially gathered via a survey of 431 participants, comprising cargo operation agents, customs officers, airport managers, and cargo handling and airline personnel in Thailand. Thirteen key informants were purposefully chosen to ensure their roles and experiences were highly relevant to the air cargo industry. Criteria included five years of professional experience, and involvement in critical areas such as cargo handling, capacity management, storage, operational coordination, or regulatory compliance.

Results: It revealed significant relationships across all variables, with technological advancements exhibiting the strongest influence, followed by human factors, cargo handling processes, and environmental factors. In the subsequent qualitative phase, thematic analysis highlighted the critical role of technology including sorting technologies for loading/unloading, real-time tracking, predictive analytics such as demand forecasting, route optimization, and dynamic pricing integrating with human factors such as training, motivation, and teamwork to improve operational performance.

Conclusion: The operational efficiency of air cargo is greatly affected by the adoption of advanced technologies, the improvement of human resource management, and the optimization of cargo handling processes, while considering environmental and external factors.


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How to Cite

Paethrangsi, N., Jaktong, C. ., & Brahmaputra, P. . (2025). Determinants Affecting Air Cargo Operational Performance in Thailand: A Strategic and Mixed-Methods Approach. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 5(1), 1023–1042.