A Model for Developing Quality Management and Educational Standards by Using a Participatory Process to Develop Learners’ Quality of Waengyai Witthayakhom School
Development Model, Quality Management and Educational Standards, Participatory ProcessAbstract
Background and Aims: The study of a model for developing quality management and educational standards through a participatory process that improves learners' quality. The goals of this research were to (1) investigate the problem, the cause of the problem, and guidelines for resolving student academic achievement problems; and (2) create a model for developing quality management and educational standards through a participatory process to improve the quality of learners. (3) Investigate the results of using the model for developing quality management and educational standards by using a participatory process to develop learners' quality, and (4) Improve and develop a model for developing quality management and educational standards by using a participatory process to develop learners' quality.
Methodology: This study was conducted for research and development purposes. The population included 42 teachers and 603 students at Waengyai Witthayakhom School during the academic year 2021. The research tools included a data synthesis results record form. 2) A student's academic achievement record. 3) an interview form to identify the root causes of problems and guidelines for resolving students' academic achievement issues. 4) Data synthesis results for model elements in record form. 5) A workshop recording form was developed to create a model for developing quality management and educational standards through a participatory process to improve learner quality.
6) A model assessment form for accuracy, propriety, feasibility, and usefulness, as well as a quality management and educational standards manual developed through a participatory process to improve the quality of learners. 7) An educational quality and standards management manual. 8) Knowledge and understanding tests conducted before and after teacher development training. 9) Student achievement test. 10) The desired characteristics assessment form. 11) Form for assessing learners' competencies. 12) A summary of student competition results. 13) A summary of awards and honors for teachers and educational personnel. 14) A summary of the school's awards and honors. 15) a summary of the results of being a source of learning and study tours, and 16) a group discussion recording form (SWOT) to improve a model for developing quality management and educational standards by using a participatory process to develop learners' quality. Data were statistically analyzed using percentages, averages, standard deviations, and content analysis.
Results: The research results were found that:
- The problem, the cause of the problem, and the guidelines for solving the student's academic achievement problems revealed that (1) Problem condition: the student's academic achievement was found to be lower than the set target. In the academic year 2020, overall average academic achievement was 60.47 points lower than the target value of -7.04. (2) The problem was discovered to be caused by: 1) teachers' learning management systems that did not organize learning with a student-centered focus. 2) Administrators lacked quality management skills or failed to apply qualitative management principles. 3) Teachers overlooked the importance of internal supervision activities, which are the supervision and monitoring of teaching and learning. 4) A lack of curriculum development and teaching arrangements that are up to date. (3) Guidelines for solving student academic achievement problems discovered that schools should carry out quality management issues and educational standards by 1) developing the curriculum and teaching and learning arrangements by improving the curriculum and designing basic courses to develop students according to learning standards and indicators. 2) Develop teachers and personnel. 3) Improve learners' quality by utilizing a variety of teaching styles/techniques to maximize their potential. 4) Participatory management and organizational leadership involve employees in operational decision-making, benefit distribution, and monitoring and evaluation.
- The Model for Developing Quality Management and Educational Standards by Using a Participatory Process to Develop Learners' Quality includes five components: 1) Principles and Reasons 2) objectives 3) elements of quality management and educational standards 4) Model operation; and 5) Model measurement and evaluation for accuracy, propriety, feasibility, and usefulness in developing quality management and educational standards through a participatory process to develop learner quality.
- The results of using the development model for quality management and educational standards, which uses a participatory process to develop learners' quality, revealed that 1) the results of teachers' knowledge and understanding tests after the development training were higher than before. 2) The results of using the form in terms of student achievement, comparing the academic year 2021 to 2020, revealed that learners had an overall average increase of 2.325 percent. Students' desired results increased by an average of 6.23 percent between the academic years 2021 and 2020. In terms of reading, analytical thinking, and writing, students' overall average increased by 5.96 percent between the academic years 2021 and 2020. 3) The results of learners who used the model and received awards from competitions totaled 26 awards. There were six awards given to teachers and educational personnel who won competitions at various levels. There were 7 awards to honor the school, and 17 schools came to study the school's learning resources.
- The results of improving and developing the model for developing the management of educational quality and standards using a participatory process to develop the learners' quality revealed that the model consists of six elements: 1) principles and reasons, 2) objectives, and 3) management of educational quality and standards, which includes four sub-components. (1) curriculum development and teaching and learning management; (2) teacher and personnel development; (3) learner quality development; and (4) participatory organizational management and leadership. 4) Model's operation 5) measurement and evaluation. 6) The success conditions model has strong points that can be used to improve student quality. Encouraging teachers to organize teaching and learning with a focus on students and appropriate to the context can help to develop effective teachers and improve the quality of learners. The format has flaws, such as no success conditions, diagrams that are not coherent and descriptive, and a lack of table-formatted details of the procedures to demonstrate consistency. The suggestions for improving and developing the model include increasing the success conditions in the application form, adjusting the diagram to be consistent, being able to convey the meaning of the description, and providing details of how to proceed in the form of a table.
Conclusion: The research findings concluded that a model was developed with elements and procedures for developing quality management and educational standards. Appropriate As a result, teachers and staff have been continually prepared to carry out student quality development activities.
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