Community Rights Defiance: Case Study Gold Mine in Chanthaburi Province
Community rights protection, , Community rights, , Gold miningAbstract
Background and Aims: Community rights protection involves the community’s authority to manage natural and human-made resources to preserve, restore, and sustainably manage them for long-term viability. This research has three key objectives: 1) to examine the enforcement of laws in the gold mining industry, 2) to study and analyze lessons from the public sector’s efforts in protecting community rights, and 3) to propose legal measures for enhancing community participation in gold mining activities. The research employs a qualitative approach, drawing on documentation and social media data. It focuses on the movement "Chanthaburi People Do Not Accept Mining," which opposes gold mining in Chanthaburi Province, to extract public lessons from this movement. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive content analysis.
Methodology: This study analyzes the challenges in law enforcement arising from gold mining operations that impact community rights. A qualitative approach is employed, utilizing documentary research to collect and analyze various sources, including laws, textbooks, journals, research reports, theses, online publications, and case studies related to the topic.
Results: The study found that protecting community rights in the context of the gold mining industry remains a contentious issue, leading to protests in Chanthaburi Province. Despite existing laws, they need to address community rights protection adequately. Weak enforcement of regulations related to gold mining has resulted in violations of these rights, negatively affecting natural resources, the environment, and the well-being of local residents.
Conclusions: The movement of communities impacted by gold mining operations in Chanthaburi Province follows a structured process that effectively influences business operators. It also aims to empower the community by raising awareness and educating its members about their rights and how to protect these rights in the future.
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