Integration of Buddhist Principles for Promote People's Participation in Community Development Wang Nang Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province
Integration, Inclusion Wanorn, Community DevelopmentAbstract
Background and Objectives: The objectives of this thesis are 1. To study the participation of the public in the development of the community of Wang Nang Municipality. 2. To compare public participation with the development of the community of Wang Nang Sub-district. 3. To present the integration of Buddhist principles to promote public participation in the development of the Wang Nang Municipal Community. Mueang District, Mahasarakham Province
Research Methodology: This research is an integrated research that surveys populations using a data collection method calculated from the formula of Taro Yamane. The statistical data were analyzed by finding the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics by finding the Pearson correlation coefficient. In qualitative research, in-depth interviews with key informants living in Wang Nang Sub-district Municipality were used. The data were analyzed using contextual content analysis techniques and data synthesis according to the objectives of the research.
Research Findings: 1. Public Participation in the Development of the Wang Nang Municipal Community The overall level of public participation in the principle of Sarani Dhamma 6 is very high, and the participation of the people in community development is very high. 2. Comparison of public participation with community development in Wang Nang Sub-district Classified by personal factors, it was found that gender, age, education level, occupation and income were different. Participation in local development is no different. Therefore, the research hypothesis is rejected 3. Presentation of the integration of Buddhist principles to promote public participation in the development of the community of Wang Nang Municipality. It was found that to promote public participation in community development, the principles of the Dharma should be applied in operation. To make the management of community development more effective.
Conclusion: The results of this study show the public participation of Wang Nang Sub-district Municipality and the contribution of the people to community development according to the principle of philosophy 6 as a whole, and the participation of the people in community development. In Wang Nang Sub-district Municipality, the overall level is moderate. The results of the comparison of public participation in the development of the community in Wang Nang Sub-district by classification by personal factors showed that gender, age, education level, occupation and income were different. There is no difference in participating in local development, and the integration of Buddhist principles should promote public participation in community development. In order to make the management of community development more effective.
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