Model of Informal Education Management of the Nakhon Sawan Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement According to Sankhahavatthu IV Principles
Educational Management Model, Nakhon Sawan Provincial Office of Learning, Encouragement, Sangahavatthu IVAbstract
Background and Aims: The Educational Administration of the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education is critical to providing flexible learning opportunities, ensuring education access for diverse populations, and encouraging lifelong learning. It promotes community development by meeting educational needs outside of traditional systems. Thus, the objectives of this research Article were: 1) to study the status and make the educational management model of Nakhon Sawan Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement according to Sangahavatthu's 4 principles.
Methodology: This research applied the Mixed Methods Research having 3 steps: 1) studying the status of educational management of the Office of the Promotion of Non-Formal and Informal Education from 18 key informants with the Semi-structured Interviews and the content analysis for the data analysis, 2) making the educational management model of the Office of the Promotion of Non-Formal and Informal Education 9 key informants with the focus group discussion and the content analysis for the data analysis.
Results: 1. The status of educational management of Nakhon Sawan Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement consisted of 5components: 1) time management and planning 2) skills and self-development 3) the environment and support 4) social skills and cooperation and 5) the interest and dynamic. 2. The educational management model of Nakhon Sawan Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement according to Sangahavatthu: 4 found that: 1) the time management and planning according to Sangahavatthu 4 consisted of 6 methods, 2) the skills and self-development according to Sangahavatthu 4 consisted of 6 methods, 3) the environment and support according to Sangahavatthu 4 consisted of 4 methods, 4) the social skills and cooperation according to Sangahavatthu 4 consisted of 4 methods, and 5) the interest and dynamic according to Sangahavatthu 4 consisted of 6 methods.
Conclusion: The Nakhon Sawan Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement's educational management consists of five key components, with emphasis on time management, skill development, the environment, social cooperation, and dynamic interest. It adheres to Sangahavatthu principles, with specific methods used for each component to ensure effective educational administration.
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