Customs Law Enforcement in Environment Management for a Sustainable Future
Customs law enforcement, Environmental management, Sustainable futureAbstract
Background and Aims: Customs law enforcement is critical in environmental management because it helps prevent the illegal trade of endangered species, hazardous waste, and other environmentally harmful goods. Customs authorities protect biodiversity and enforce international environmental agreements by regulating and controlling cross-border movements. Thus, this academic article aims to 1) study and analyze the enforcement of customs law in environmental management for a sustainable future, and 2) to determine guidelines and solutions for improving the enforcement of customs law in environmental management for a sustainable future.
Methodology: This study is a study of documents and related research, analyzed and presented according to the educational objectives.
Results: The results of the study found that 1) the enforcement of laws on the inspection of imported and exported goods is ineffective, resulting in smuggling of goods that have an impact on the environment and a lack of environmental management for a sustainable future. This is partly due to the lack of personnel with knowledge and expertise in using technology, which is an important factor in inspection, as well as the lack of coordination between relevant government and private agencies in the responsible agencies, and the problem of law enforcement due to the insufficient number of customs officers for the increasing workload, resulting in delayed and incomplete inspection of goods. The shortage of personnel also causes existing officers to take on excessive workloads, including a lack of cooperation between government and private agencies in environmental management and customs law enforcement. 2) If there is cooperation in all sectors, it will enhance work efficiency, reduce the risk of corruption, and build public and business confidence. In addition, cooperation will help to make inspection and control of imported and exported goods more comprehensive. In order to manage the environment for a sustainable future, it is proposed to amend the law on training personnel to have expertise, including coordination between the government and private sectors to create cooperation in environmental management for a sustainable future.
Conclusion: To amend the Customs Act of 2017 by specifying training and skills development regulations for customs officials and requiring cooperation between government agencies and the private sector in all relevant sectors.
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