The Development Model for Educational Quality Development Under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area in the North Eastern Area
Model, Development, Quality of education, EducationAbstract
Background and Aims: School Management Model for Educational Quality Development School Management Model for Educational Quality Development under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area To be used in developing educational quality and promoting teaching and learning management for teachers To be of maximum benefit to students. This research aims to (1) Study the components and indicators of school management for educational quality development. (2) Study the current and desired conditions and the necessary conditions of school management for educational quality development. (3) Design, create and develop a school management model for educational quality development. And (4) Study the results of using school management models for educational quality development. This study studied schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Northeastern Region
Methodology : This research is an action research. The informants consisted of 5 experts who were purposively selected, including school principals, deputy principals, department heads, and teachers. The sample consisted of 380 school principals and 380 department heads, totaling 760 people. The research instruments consisted of: the appropriateness assessment form of components and indicators, the assessment form for experts, the questionnaire on current and desired conditions, the interview form for schools with good practices, the appropriateness and feasibility assessment, and the outcome assessment form according to the management model.
The statistical methods used were the mean, standard deviation, and the index of importance for data analysis.
Results: The study of the components and indicators of school management for the development of educational quality discovered that there were 8 components and 17 indicators, with the overall appropriateness assessment ranking highest. The study of current and desired conditions, including the need for improvement, revealed that overall current conditions were excellent. The school management model's design, creation, and development revealed that its overall appropriateness, feasibility, and utility were all at the highest levels. The study of the impact of the management model revealed that: (1) A comparison of knowledge and understanding before and after development revealed that the knowledge score after training was significantly higher than before training at a statistical level of 0.05. And (2) The evaluation of the results based on the school management model for the development of educational quality revealed that the overall level before using this model was moderate.
Conclusion: The study's findings concluded that educational institutions' management models can help to improve education quality. The management model of educational institutions to improve educational quality under the Office of the Primary Education Area resulted in the appointment of school directors, deputy directors, department heads, and teachers. The sample group consisted of administrators who were continuously trained to be ready to carry out activities aimed at improving student quality.
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