Home Economics in Adding Value to Agricultural Products
Home economics, Value added, Agricultural product, Fried chiliAbstract
Background and Aims: The Academic and Professional Services Project for the Chaiyaphum Community, implemented by Ramkhamhaeng University, organized a workshop to add value to agricultural products, specifically focusing on training and demonstrating the production of fried chili products. Following the project, the researchers, as instructors and project leaders, conducted a study to use the findings for the development and improvement of the project in the next fiscal year. The research objectives were: (1) to evaluate the academic and professional services project for the Chaiyaphum community on the topic "Agricultural Product Processing (Fried Chili)" and (2) to study the trainees' perspectives on adding value to fried chili products.
Methodology: The target group consisted of 30 participants from Chaiyaphum province who attended the workshop. Data were collected using a 5-level Likert scale questionnaire. The statistical methods used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: The research findings indicated that: (1) The overall satisfaction with the academic and professional services project for the Chaiyaphum community on the topic "Agricultural Product Processing (Fried Chili)" was at the highest level. Satisfaction with input factors was at a high level, the process aspect at the highest level, and the output aspect at the highest level. (2) The overall satisfaction with the trainees' perspectives on adding value to fried chili products was at the highest level.
Conclusion: The "Academic and Professional Services Project for the Chaiyaphum Community on the topic 'Agricultural Product Processing (Fried Chili)'" achieved its goals in terms of input factors, process, and outcomes, with trainees perceiving the workshop as effective in adding value to fried chili products.
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