The Development of Tourism Management Models in Yaowarat for Enhancing Efficient and Sustainable Tourist Carrying Capacity
Overtourism, Tourist carrying capacity, Sustainable tourism, Tourism imageAbstract
Background and Aims: The Yaowarat district in Bangkok is facing problems of overtourism, resulting in traffic issues, environmental concerns, and risks of losing cultural identity. The objectives of this research are: 1) To study tourism components, tourist carrying capacity, perception of image, and efficiency of tourism area management in Yaowarat. 2) To examine the relationships between tourism components, tourist carrying capacity, image perception, and tourism area management efficiency in Yaowarat. 3) To investigate the influences among tourism components, tourist carrying capacity, perception of image, and the efficiency of tourism area management in Yaowarat, and 4) To develop an efficient tourism management model for Yaowarat that can sustainably accommodate tourists.
Methodology: This study employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative sample consists of 600 Thai and foreign tourists, selected through multi-stage sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire with an IOC of 0.89 and a reliability of 0.92. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used. The qualitative research involved in-depth interviews with 15 key informants, including government officials, entrepreneurs, and community representatives. Content analysis and triangulation were used to analyze and verify the data.
Results: The findings show that 1) tourism components are at a high level (mean 3.80); 2) tourists perceive Yaowarat's image at a high level (mean 3.76); 3) tourism components have a strong positive correlation with management efficiency (r = 0.68-0.75); 4) an efficient and sustainable tourism management model for Yaowarat is proposed, considering economic, social, and environmental sustainability to enhance community quality of life and conserve tourism resources in the long term.
Conclusion: The development of an efficient and sustainable tourism management model for Yaowarat comprises six main aspects: 1) developing tourism attractions while preserving culture and promoting local identity; 2) improving facilities; 3) developing diverse accommodations consistent with the local context; 4) enhancing accessibility and traffic management; 5) upgrading tourist services; and 6) promoting participatory activities. This model emphasizes economic, social, and environmental sustainability to enhance community quality of life and conserve tourism resources in the long term.
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