Guidelines for Developing Historical and Cultural Tourism in Ang Thong Province for Thai Tourists
Historical and cultural tourism, Tourist behavior, Tourism developmentAbstract
Background and Aims: Historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province has high potential for local economic development, but lacks in-depth studies on tourists' behavior and decision-making factors. This research aimed to 1) study the behavior of historical and cultural tourists in Ang Thong province, 2) compare tourist attractions and environmental conditions affecting decisions to visit historical and cultural sites in Ang Thong province, 3) examine factors influencing decisions to engage in historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province, and 4) propose guidelines for developing historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province.
Methodology: A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative research using questionnaires with 500 Thai tourists through systematic sampling (IOC = 0.67, reliability = 0.902) and qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 9 stakeholders. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including t-test, ANOVA, and correlation analysis.
Results: The study found that 1) most tourists were family and friend groups, preferring one-day trips on weekends; 2) facilities and safety were the most crucial factors in tourism decision-making; 3) travel purposes and duration were secondary factors; 4) eight development guidelines were proposed, including infrastructure development, safety promotion, tourism activity development, public relations, local culture conservation, personnel development, cooperation integration, and budget management.
Conclusion: The proposed guidelines for developing historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province will help elevate tourism efficiency and sustainability, positively impacting long-term economic development and quality of life for local communities.
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