Quality of Civil Registration Services: A Case Study of the Registration Office, Pakham District, Buriram Province
Service, Civil registration work, Registration officeAbstract
Background and Aims: High-quality civil registration services are essential to guarantee accurate and reliable records of life events, such as births, marriages, and deaths, which are required for legal rights, public administration, and personal identification. High-quality services enable the development of vital statistics for the nation's progress, the efficient provision of social services, and public health planning. The present study aims (1) to investigate the public's perception of the Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province's civil registration services. And (2) To research suggestions and opinions about the Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province's civil registration services.
Methodology: Three areas make up this quantitative study: (1) the service aspect; (2) the location and facilities; and (3) the personnel aspect. Data will be collected from June to July 2024 for a sample of 380 individuals. A questionnaire was utilized as the data collection tool, and statistics were used to analyze the data and produce standard deviations (SD), averages, and percentages.
Results: Conditions for civil registration services provided by Buriram Province's Pakham District Registration Office All things considered, each is at the level A great deal, sorted as follows from the side with a high average to the low one. Location and amenities personnel and the service element, respectively. Regarding suggestions and opinions regarding the terms of civil registration services provided by the Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province, for instance, please let us know if a lot of people contact the office at any given time to request services. The inability of the staff to meet demand results in service delivery delays for the general public. Regarding the service area, the Ban Na San District Registration Office has made it wheelchair-accessible and equipped with a service point on the first floor to make it suitable for service recipients. Wheelchairs can enter the area under the counter without any obstacles because it is free of space. In order to be ready to serve the public and adhere to public health regulations, the Pakham District Registration Office should ask the Department of Provincial Administration for budget support to install automatic sliding doors at the entrances and exits of the District Registration Office.
Conclusion: The Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province is widely regarded for its excellent civil registration services, particularly with regard to its location, amenities, staff, and service quality. Notwithstanding, certain obstacles persist, such as inadequate workforce during high-demand periods and the requirement for improved accessibility facilities, such as automated sliding doors. These underscore the necessity of improving public service efficiency and accessibility in these areas.
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