Modeling the Relationship between Organizational Competency, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Technology Management, and Organizational Performance
Organizational competency, Entrepreneurship, Human resource management, Technology management, Organizational performanceAbstract
Background and Aims: Organizational competency development is an important factor enabling community enterprises to respond to customer needs and effectively adapt to changing environments. This article aims to study the factors, components, and relationships among organizational competency factors, entrepreneurship, human resource management, technology management, and organizational performance, and to create a model of the relationship between organizational competency, entrepreneurship, human resource management, technology management, and organizational performance.
Methodology: A literature review was conducted using the EBSCO database with the keyword “organizational competency”. This search yielded 195 articles, of which 125 were deemed non-redundant and suitable for analysis. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. The review revealed that the key variables studied about organizational competency were entrepreneurship, human resource management, and technology management. These competencies were found to impact organizational performance significantly.
Results: The study findings suggest that community enterprises seeking to enhance operational efficiency and improve overall performance should adopt the concept of organizational competency. To foster these competencies, organizations should focus on entrepreneurship, human resource management, and technology management. The relationships between these variables are illustrated in the proposed conceptual model.
Conclusion: The study found that organizational competency is a critical determinant of organizational performance. Five key factors were identified: entrepreneurship, human resource management, technology management, organizational competency, and organizational performance. The empirical evidence suggests a positive correlation between the implementation of organizational competency and improved performance. Consequently, organizations aiming to enhance their performance should consider adopting the concept of organizational competency.
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