Guidelines for Developing Teacher Instructional Processes Focused on Learner-Centered Education Network Group Promoting the Efficiency of Special Education Centers, Network Group 9
Development Guidelines, Teacher, Learner-centered Education, Special Education CentersAbstract
Background and Aims: Developing teachers in learner-centered instructional processes is a sustainable approach to improving teacher quality based on information from self-assessments and annual reports. By using development guidelines to refine operations according to plans, projects, activities, and teaching methods, continuous improvement of student education standards is achieved. The responsibility for educational quality improvement is shared by everyone, with ongoing progress in operations leading to enhanced student outcomes across the entire institution. Therefore, this research aims to study the current and the desirable state of developing teacher instructional processes focused on learner-centered education network group promoting the efficiency of special education centers, network group 9. And to study the development guidelines for developing teacher instructional processes focused on learner-centered education network group promoting the efficiency of special education centers, network group 9.
Methodology: The research process was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1; to study the current and the desirable state of developing teacher instructional processes focused on learner-centered education. The sample group of 217 administrators and teachers. The research tool was a questionnaire, with a reliability of 0.94 and a discrimination power of 0.38 – 0.72. The statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. Phase 2; to study the guidelines for developing teacher instructional processes focused on learner-centered education. The Key Informant groups include 7 experts for studying the development guidelines and 7 experts for evaluating guidelines. The research instruments were interview form and evaluate form the suitability and feasibility.
Results: 1. The current state overall was high average. The desirable state overall was at the high level, Ranked as follows: Positive classroom management, Exchange of learning and feedback to develop and improve instructional management, Use of information technology and learning resources that support learning, Instructional management through thinking and practical activities, Systematic evaluation of students and using results for student development. The results of evaluating the suitability and feasibility of the overall approach were at the highest level. 2. The development guidelines consist of 14 approaches: 1) Positive classroom management: 3 approaches 2) Exchange of learning and feedback for developing and improving 3) Instructional Management: 2 approaches 4) Use of Information Technology and Learning Resources that Support Learning: 3 approaches 4) Instructional management through thinking and practical activities: 2 approaches 5) Systematic valuation of students and sing results for student development: 4 approaches. In summary, the evaluation of the appropriateness and feasibility of these guidelines is at the highest level.
Conclusion: Having instructional processes that create opportunities for students or stakeholders to participate, teaching management that is connected to the context of the community and local area, and systematic and effective evaluation of student's progress and development according to their potential.
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