The Development Guidelines for Good Citizenship Characteristics for Secondary Level Students in Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2
Development Guidelines, Good Citizenship, Junior High School StudentsAbstract
Background and Aims: Education plays a crucial role in developing good citizenship qualities in students at all levels because educational institutions are social institutions that help cultivate good citizens. Generally, the emphasis is on developing the nation's children and youth to be good citizens and capable of adapting to the changes occurring in society. Therefore, this research aims to study the current desirable state and the priority need of good citizenship characteristics for secondary-level students and to study the development guidelines for good citizenship characteristics for secondary-level students in educational opportunity expansion schools under the office of Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 2.
Methodology: The research procedures were divided into two phases. The first stage was to study the current desirable state and the priority need of good citizenship characteristics for secondary-level students, The sample group consists of 253 individuals, comprising 48 school administrators and 205 teachers, by stratified random sampling. The current condition has a confidence value of 0.93. The discriminant power ranges from 0.29 – 0.76. The statistics used for data were analyzed by mean, and standard deviation. The second stage was the study of the guidelines for developing good citizenship characteristics for secondary-level students in educational opportunity expansion schools under the office of Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 2. The Key informants for studying the guidelines included 6 individuals, and a group of 7 experts was involved in evaluating the guidelines. The tools used in the research were interviews and assessment forms to evaluate the suitability and feasibility of the development guidelines.
Results: 1. The current state overall was high average and the desirable state overall was in the highest level. The priority needs ranked from high to low level were 1) respect the rules 2) respect the rights of others 3) responsibility 4) morality and ethics. 2. the development guidelines for good citizenship characteristics for secondary level students were 21 guidelines as follows: 1) respect the rules 3 guidelines 2) respect the rights of others 3 guidelines 3) responsibility 3 guidelines and 4) morality and ethics 5 guidelines. The results of evaluating the suitability and feasibility of the overall approach were at the highest level.
Conclusion: Good citizenship characteristics for lower secondary school students are attributes that reflect students' knowledge, understanding, thoughts or attitudes, and conduct towards themselves and others. These include social responsibility and respect for others under the democratic system, possessing moral and ethical values, being proud of their Thai identity, and respecting laws and social norms of the community, locality, and educational institutions. Additionally, it includes demonstrating public-spiritedness, discipline, self-responsibility, respect for diversity and others' rights, and a clear understanding of their rights and duties. The components are as follows: 1)Respect the rules 2) Respecting the rights of others 3) Responsibility and 4) Morality and Ethics.
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