Guidelines for Developing Wellness Spa Facilities for Tourism in Chiang Mai
Wellness tourism, Wellness spa, Service quality, Customer satisfactionAbstract
Background and Aims: Wellness tourism is gaining popularity, particularly in Chiang Mai province, which has natural and cultural resources suitable for wellness spa businesses. However, there are challenges in improving quality and service standards. This study aimed to investigate: 1) foreign tourists' perception and satisfaction levels with health spa services in Chiang Mai, 2) the influence of service use perception on satisfaction, and 3) strategies for developing health spa establishments for tourism in Chiang Mai.
Methodology: The study employed a mixed-method approach. Quantitative research involved a questionnaire distributed to foreign tourists using spa services in Chiang Mai. The questionnaire had an IOC value of 0.80 and a confidence value of 0.968. This qualitative research employed purposive sampling with 18 informants: 6 spa entrepreneurs (in-depth interviews) and 12 tourism and spa experts (focus groups). Data analysis utilized descriptive and inferential statistics, including t-test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: 1) The perception of spa standards was high (Mean = 3.87), with service scoring highest (Mean = 4.09), followed by marketing (Mean = 3.85) and management (Mean = 3.67). 2) The perception of spa standards significantly positively influenced satisfaction. The three independent variables explained 52.4% of the variance in satisfaction. 3) Guidelines for developing wellness spa facilities for tourism in Chiang Mai: blend culture with innovation, develop staff, utilize technology, promote sustainability, build partnerships. Consider standard implementation, adaptability, and international competition.
Conclusion: To develop wellness spas in Chiang Mai, focus should be on improving service quality and creating a distinctive identity by blending Lanna culture with service innovation. Enhancing personnel skills in massage techniques is crucial for creating impressive customer experiences. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on marketing and management development to increase the competitiveness of the wellness spa business in Chiang Mai.
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