The Developing a Professional Learning Community Model to Promote Proactive Learning Management at Roi Et School for the Deaf
Development of a Model, Professional Learning Community, Proactive Learning ManagementAbstract
Background and Aims: The promotion and development of proactive learning management abilities through the drive of professional learning communities in educational institutions is aimed at enhancing teachers' knowledge and understanding of proactive learning management and the design of proactive learning plans. This will result in students acquiring 21st-century skills and having the knowledge, process skills, and desirable attributes according to the curriculum objectives.. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to: 1) study the essential baseline data for developing a professional learning community model to promote proactive learning management, 2) create a professional learning community model to promote proactive learning management, 3) implement the professional learning community model to promote proactive learning management, and 4) evaluate the professional learning community model to promote proactive learning management.
Methodology: The research is divided into four phases: Phase 1: Study baseline data. The information group consists of 20 individuals providing data on the need to develop active learning management skills and 5 individuals providing insights on creating a professional learning community to promote proactive learning management. The research tool used is a structured interview. Phase 2: Develop the model. A group of 5 experts will assess the suitability of the model and its manual. The research tool used is a model suitability assessment form. Phase 3: Study the model implementation. The research participants include 20 teachers from Roi Et School for the Deaf. The research tool used is an assessment form for evaluating the ability to design and write proactive learning management plans. Data analysis is performed using mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. Phase 4: Evaluate the model. This includes evaluating inputs, processes, and outputs by the research participants, totaling 20 individuals. The research tool used is an evaluation form. Data analysis is conducted using mean and standard deviation.
Results: (1) The findings of the baseline data study demonstrate the support of proactive learning management, which includes planning and creating schedules and setting up engaging activities for the class. Important strategies include co-developing lessons through professional learning communities, assessment methods, and learning media. 1) The necessity of proactive learning management skill development: Teachers must gain expertise in creating engaging lesson plans, utilizing strategies to improve higher-order thinking, and professional competencies, putting knowledge to use in everyday situations, and incorporating technology into the classroom. 2) Guidelines for establishing a professional learning community to support proactive learning management include providing knowledge, encouraging self-development through various media, developing prototype documents and tools, establishing learning communities within schools, encouraging open classrooms for mutual learning, internal supervision and follow-up, and supporting teachers in presenting their work. (2) The Roi Et School for the Deaf's professional learning community model, which promotes proactive learning management, consists of five components: principles, objectives, processes, assessment and evaluation, and implementation conditions. The procedure consists of five steps: 1) Paradigm shift and planning; 2) Concept and learning management strategy creation; 3) Classroom observation and instructional practice; 4) Reflection and cooperative learning; and 5) Networking and distribution. Overall, both the model and its handbook are very good. (3) The following results have been achieved at Roi Et School for the Deaf thanks to the professional learning community model: Teachers were very skilled at creating proactive learning management plans both in terms of design and writing. 2) Teachers were competent in creating interesting lessons. Proactive learning management conferred several advantages, including mutual learning, monthly meetings, and continuous teacher participation. Two areas could use improvement: exchanging best practices in education and giving context-relevant activities more weight. Enhancing proactive lesson plans, focusing on effective learning models, and using instructional strategies that help students apply what they have learned to real-world situations are all parts of continuous improvement. (4) Evaluation results of the professional learning community model to promote proactive learning management at Roi Et School for the Deaf: Overall, it was at the highest level. The aspect with the highest teacher feedback was inputs, followed by processes and outputs.
Conclusion: The study emphasizes how important it is for educators to acquire proactive learning management techniques and provides instructions for setting up professional learning communities that will help them do so. With an overall evaluation rating at the highest level, the Roi Et School for the Deaf's application of such a community model demonstrated high effectiveness in enhancing teachers' capacities to plan and carry out active learning activities.
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