Community Waste Management in Nong Chok District, Bangkok




Waste, Management, Community


Background and Aims: Effective community waste management reduces pollution in the environment and improves public health by recycling and appropriately disposing of waste. It also promotes community accountability for maintaining sustainability and a clean, healthy environment. The objective is to qualitatively research the operational model for the Baomai waste management group in the eastern Bangkok area.

Methodology: Waste management is applied to manage in the community in the form of integrated waste management and management is carried out following the dimensions of each community. This is done with the help of the award-winning prototype community Khoi Ruddin and the pilot community, as well as by inviting a sample group of five communities as research tools, attending seminars, conducting interviews, and gathering data from all five communities.

Results: It was found that it is truly a pilot project for other communities, a practical tool that can be used in large-scale studies related to waste, adjusted to create dimensions in each community. In addition, it was found that the issue of waste management by creating a culture of environmental conservation in the community and the relationship between garbage and the environment and people.

Conclusion: Creating a culture of cleanliness in the community that has an impact on the environment and eliminating abnormal waste is a problem. The application of the model communities resulted in all five communities creating value and expanding the results to create efficiency in managing other communities in the future.

Author Biography

Watchara Yeesoontes, Kasembundit University, Bangkok, Thailand

kasembundit University


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How to Cite

Yeesoontes, W. ., Kladvaiyanate, P. ., Kasemsap, C. ., Ratanamaneichat, C. ., Mahamud, T. ., & Chaiponoi, S. . (2025). Community Waste Management in Nong Chok District, Bangkok. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 5(1), 285–294.