The Development of the E-Learning Model for the Public Administration Program Dhonburi Rajabhat University
E-learning, Teaching management, Online learningAbstract
Background and Aims: COVID-19: Educational institutions in many countries, including Thailand, have adopted various technologies to facilitate online learning. The objectives of this research are 1) to study the problems and obstacles in teaching E-Learning to students in the Department of Public Administration, Dhonburi Rajabhat University. 2) to find a model suitable for teaching and learning E-Learning for students in the field of Public Administration, Dhonburi Rajabhat University.
Methodology: Key informants were specifically selected, including 73 students from the Public Administration program and 32 participants in focus group discussions between teachers and students. The method was in-depth interviews, utilizing semi-structured interview guides with open-ended questions. The data from the interviews were analyzed using content analysis.
Results: The results showed that the problems found in 3 aspects were 1) Teacher's problems such as lectures, and classroom supervision. Practice, exams, program implementation, proficiency, and equipment provision 2) Learner’s problems such as discipline, learning, interoperability, lack of concentration, lack of interaction, health, proficiency, and procurement of equipment, and 3) Equipment and technology problems such as internet signal stability, system stability, and device stability. The appropriate model is an e-learning system that is either a teaching system or online learning. In this approach, teachers plan and design teaching methods for distance learning, aiming to replicate the traditional classroom experience as closely as possible. This is achieved through the use of synchronous communication in the teaching and learning process.
Conclusion: The issues related to teaching and learning can be divided into three main aspects: the teacher, the students, and the equipment and technology. The appropriate teaching model is e-learning, where teachers should plan and design the instruction to closely resemble traditional classroom learning. Additionally, synchronous communication should be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
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