Political Participation at the Local Level of the People in Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province
Political Participation, People, Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Chumphon Province, Quantitative ResearchAbstract
Background and Aims: This study aims to determine the level of political participation among residents in Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province, and to assess whether differences in gender, age, occupation, education, and income affect this participation. The findings could help address issues and enhance local political participation. The research objectives are: 1) to examine the level of local political participation among residents of Ban Khuan Subdistrict; and 2) to compare political participation based on individual demographic factors.
Methodology: This quantitative research involved distributing 324 questionnaires with a 5-point Likert scale to residents of Ban Khuan Subdistrict. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations. A one-way ANOVA and Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD) test were used to examine statistical significance, with a significance level set at 0.05.
Results: The research findings indicate that the overall level of local political participation of the people in Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province, is generally low. Moreover, the comparative results based on personal factors and local political participation of the people in Ban Khuan Subdistrict, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province, reveal that differences exist among different demographic variables, such as gender, in terms of local political participation. This aligns with the research hypotheses. However, there were no significant differences observed in local political participation among residents with different ages, education levels, occupations, and monthly incomes, contrary to the initial hypotheses.
Conclusion: Residents of Ban Khuan Subdistrict lack political participation and involvement with political parties. They lack understanding and access to important local political information. Inadequate communication and an unsupportive environment hinder political engagement.
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