The Intention to Purchase Functional Food from Rice Bran Protein, The Moderation of Consumers' Perception of Innovation Food in Bangkok
Functional Foods, Rice Bran Protein, Theory of Planned Behavior, Innovation PerceptionAbstract
Background and Aims: In order to understand how perceptions of food innovation affect consumers' intentions to purchase rice bran protein functional foods, it is necessary to evaluate consumer awareness, perceived benefits, price sensitivity, taste, marketing, and ethical concerns. Demographics, trust, perceived risk, cultural influences, communication channels, and prior experiences are important factors. Comprehending these domains is imperative for the efficacious introduction and endorsement of novel functional foods in Bangkok. The objectives of this research are 1) to study demographic factors and health behaviors. 2) to study the 4Ps marketing factors that affect the intention to purchase functional food from rice bran protein 3) to study the effect of perception of food innovation in governance The relationship between patterned behavior and intention to purchase functional food from rice bran protein.
Methodology: This paper was conducted by the researcher to collect data. Using random sampling from questionnaire collection of 420 people in Bangkok. It was used to analyze the frequency distribution, percentage, average standard deviation. And multiple regression analysis of statistical results.
Results: The research findings indicate that demographic factors such as age, education level, occupation, and monthly income significant difference health’s behaviors. Specifically, consumers with different ages, education levels, occupations, and income levels exhibit significantly different health’s behaviors at a statistical significance at the 0.05 level. However, there was no significant difference in health’s behaviors between consumers of different genders at the 0.05 statistical significance level. The marketing mix (4Ps) Product and Price significantly affect the intention to purchase functional foods made from rice bran protein statistically significant at the 0.05 level. However, Place and Promotion were non-significant effect on the intention to purchase functional foods made from rice bran protein.
Conclusion: The results of the study show that while gender has no effect on health behaviors, demographic factors like age, education, occupation, and income do. Furthermore, while place and promotion have no effect on the intention to purchase rice bran protein functional foods, the product and price aspects of the marketing mix do.
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