A Causal Model of the Factors Affecting the Private Early Childhood Schools Effectiveness under the Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 4
Customer Satisfaction, landline Services Provided, Total Access Communication PLCAbstract
Background and Aims: Education is a crucial instrument for developing human resources, particularly when it comes to the full range of development from birth to age five, the time before starting first grade, which is frequently referred to as "early childhood" in order to have developed appropriately in accordance with academic standards. After that, they'll be able to develop into admirable adults who will benefit society and the country going forward. Thus, this paper aims (1) to study the pattern A causal model of the factors effectiveness of private early childhood schools under the Nakhon si Thammarat primary educational service area office 4, (2) to present the model A causal model of the factors effectiveness of private early childhood schools under the Nakhon si Thammarat primary educational service area office 4.
Methodology: The sample consisted of administrators and teachers of 26 private early childhood schools, 378 people under the Office of Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area 4, The sample size was determined using the G *Power method and proportional stratified random sampling. Research tools used Questionnaire By collecting data from administrators and teachers. of private early childhood schools Under the office of Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area 4. Statistics used in data analysis include; Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Structural Equation Model Analysis (SEM).
Results: The hypothesized causal relationship pattern is consistent with empirical data with the GFI and AGFI harmony level indices equal to 0.96 and 0.93, respectively, which are higher than 0.82 and closer to 0.79, and the RMSEA value is 0.013, which is less than 0.086.
Conclusion: The results showed that the patterns of causal relationships among the four factors were leadership and community participation. Academic institutions that influence the quality of private early childhood education Under the control of the Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 4, there is a significant relationship.
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