The Effectiveness of Neck Pain Reliving Between Banana Sheath Pillow and Synthesis Pillow Among Students Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Chonburi
The Effectiveness, Banana Sheath Pillow, Herb, Relieving Neck PainAbstract
Background and Aims: Neck pain is the most common work-related health problem that affects work performance and daily functioning. It is common in students aged 18-22 years. In Thailand, it was reported that students had the highest prevalence of neck pain. The risk factors for neck pain in students were prolonged sitting in front of a computer or inappropriate working postures. Neck pain can be treated with or without medication, depending on the severity of the pain. From the aforementioned neck pain problem, the researcher has invented an innovation as another alternative for people with neck pain by using easily available materials, which is a “banana leaf sheath”. The objectives of this research were to study the effectiveness of using a Banana Sheath pillow to relieve neck pain, to compare the degree of neck flexion and pain level between using a Banana Sheath pillow and a Synthetic pillow, and to study the satisfaction of using a Banana Sheath pillow in relieving neck pain.
Methodology: This study was a Quasi – quasi-experimental research. The samples were students from Sirindhorn College of Public Health Chonburi, 1st-3nd year of 30 students divided into two groups, with 15 trial groups, and 15 control groups. This research used Simple Random Sampling. The tools used to collect information include the Banana Sheath pillow, Synthetic pillow, Goniometer, and the effectiveness questionnaire and satisfaction for the use of the Banana Sheath pillow and Synthetic pillow in relieving neck pain.
Results: The research found after the use of the Banana Sheath pillow with Synthetic pillow to relieve neck pain, there was a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level. After using herbal banana sheath pillows and synthetic fiber pillows to relieve neck pain, there was a statistically significant difference in the degree of neck flexion and pain level at the 0.05 level. After using herbal banana sheath pillows to relieve neck pain, when considering each aspect, it was found that there was a high level of satisfaction in all aspects.
Conclusion: The Banana Sheath pillow support can increase the degree of neck flexion and reduce the level of neck pain from moderate to mild and receive a high level of satisfaction in all aspects of using the Banana Sheath pillow.
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