Guidelines for Sustainable Community-based Tourism Development in Uthai Thani Province
Travel, Development, Sustainability, Community, ManagementAbstract
Background and Aims: Community tourism is alternative tourism managed by communities. So that the benefits of tourism can be passed on to people in the community. Community-based tourism is a balance between conservation and development for sustainable development. The general principles of sustainable development are conservation and appropriate use of resources to create long-term benefits and distribution of benefits to the community. Tourism is a tool for improving the quality of life, livelihood, well-being, Identity and culture and the environment in the local community To allow the community to participate in development Therefore, in order to achieve a balance between conservation and development, the concept of sustainable tourism development was born. The study therefore gives importance to community tourism with the objectives: 1. To study the context and tourist attractions according to the way of life in Mueang District, Uthai Thani Province. and 2. To study guidelines for community tourism development in Mueang District, Uthai Thani Province.
Methodology: Qualitative Research uses questionnaires as a tool for in-depth interviews in the question community tourism management community resources Culture, tradition, participation. Information providers are community leaders, government agencies. Private sector in the area Locals and tourists, a total of 50 people.
Results: 1. Studying the context of communities and tourist attractions according to way of life, it was found that in terms of natural resources It has a rich natural and unique culture. Cultural traditions There is a Thai-Chinese culture that has been passed down for a long time. Management There is a mutual agreement between the group and those involved. Participation There is cooperation between the government, private sector and the public to promote and support each other. 2. Guidelines for tourism development: It was found that there are 5 approaches to developing as a tourist destination according to the objectives of tourists.
Conclusion: Uthai Thani Province There are outstanding tourism resources. It has a unique cultural tradition. Tourism management involves the government, private sector and citizens jointly managing, promoting and supporting sustainable tourism. Guidelines for community tourism development in Mueang District, Uthai Thani Province are defined in 4 guidelines: 1) Develop it as a historical tourist attraction. 2) Develop it as an agricultural or natural tourism destination. 3) Develop it as a tourist attraction, a 1-2 night program or a morning and evening return trip. 4) Develop it as a local style tourist attraction. 5) Develop it as a special interest type of tourism.
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