Program to Enhance Digital Technology Skills of School Administrators in the 21st Century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham
Program; , Digital Technology Skills;, Assessment; , Educational institution AdministratorsAbstract
Background and Aims: Organizations and citizens of the world are impacted by the rapidly evolving scientific and digital technologies of the twenty-first century in a variety of ways. Propulsion's present approach to managing educational quality focuses on helping students acquire the digital learning skills necessary to succeed in the twenty-first century, when school administrators are viewed as crucial leaders. Developing new competencies, skills, knowledge, and abilities is essential. Under the auspices of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham, this study intends to investigate the following: (1) the present state, the ideal state, and the essential needs of digital technology skills for educational institution administrators in the twenty-first century. (2) Under the auspices of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham, develop and assess a program aimed at raising the 21st-century digital technology proficiency of school administrators.
Methodology: The research is a mixed-methodology and divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: Analysis of the situation as it stands ideal state and required necessities. Under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham, 320 educators and administrators made up the sample group. A rating scale-based questionnaire served as the research tool. Phase 2: Develop and assess a program for enhancing digital technology skills. Teachers, educational personnel, and administrators of schools make up the group of informants comprising nine individuals in total who served as experts and information sources. Examine the program's suitability and practicability for six individuals by making a specific selection. An interview form and an assessment form for the program's suitability and feasibility are among the research instruments utilized. The statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation are employed in data analysis.
Results: The results of the research found that: (1) the current state of digital technology skills of school administrators in the 21st century is overall at a high level in every aspect. The overall desired state of digital technology skills of school administrators in the 21st century is at the highest level in every aspect. And the importance of the necessary need to strengthen the digital technology skills of school administrators in the 21st century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham. Arrange the importance of needs Essentials from most to least include having a vision for digital technology. Communication and ethics in digital technology and knowing and using digital technology, respectively. (2) Program to enhance digital technology skills of school administrators in the 21st century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham, consisting of 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) Content is divided into 3 modules: Module 1: Having a vision in digital technology. Module 2: Knowing and using digital technology. Module 3: Communication and ethics in digital technology. 4) 70-20-10 development method. The development method consists of Workshop actual operations and self-study. 5) Evaluation of participants receiving development.
Conclusion: The results of the evaluation of the suitability and feasibility of the program to enhance digital technology skills of school administrators in the 21st century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham found that it was at the highest level of suitability and feasibility.
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